Selected themes from the sci-fi novel:


The Disappeared Knowledge

  • Legends of Atlantis (Full Episode) (EN)–National Geographics 0:47:22
  • Atlantis FOUND in AFRICA? (EN)- 2nd Earth 0:19:57
  • Ancient Tsunami? | The Truth Behind (EN)–National Geographics 0:04:05
  • Die Cheops Pyramide in Funktion – Vojtech Kopecky 0:14:15 
  • Woher kannte Tesla das Funktionsprinzip der „Cheops“-Pyramide? –  0:34:09 
  • Puma Punku - City of a high technological civilization? - Wikipedia 
  • Tiahuanaco und Puma Punku – Vojtech Kopecky 0:10:54 
  • Out-of-Place-Artefakte in Amerika – Verborgene Geheimnisse TV  0:08:17 
  • Rätselhafte Artefakte (Metallkugeln, Labyrinthe, Röm. Dodekaeder, …) – JERYKO  0:03:41 

Let me know what you find exciting!


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