The Sound Trap
The Trail of the Iron Dragon
- A Thriller -
This adventure takes readers to uncanny places and into the mysteries of our past.
It confronts us with
geopolitical conflicts of the year 2027.
Carefully researched backgrounds give the
fictional story a particular charm.
The German edition has been awarded the
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2027: Various groups show interest in an artifact that disappeared in Tibet during World War II. According to legend, it was a tool of the gods who ruled the earth long ago.
Along the New Silk Road, conflicts have increased since many countries became economically dependent on the Middle Kingdom. At the same time, it is difficult for the Chinese authorities to declare that Western democracies failed while resistance at home is growing.
New methods are needed to give ideological orientation.
The American Navy recruits Brian Wilson. He is sent to a German naval unit as a trained medium and computer linguist. It soon becomes clear that his assignment is about myths from ancient Asian texts.
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Places of action
By the way: Google pixelated these coordinates shortly after the English version of the book was published. Just a coincidence?
(33° 53‘,49‘‘N 119° 10‘ 25‘‘ W)
The protagonist Brian Wilson
... is a humorous guy with qualities that always surprise his friends. Since starting his new job at NATO's Naval Command, unusual things have happened.
His abilities belong to the borderlands of psychology. Therefore, military and intelligence agencies occasionally seek Brian's help. Some even claim he is a living lie detector. Anna, a meditation teacher, is one of the people who knows what he can do and what belongs to the realm of legends. They occasionally meet for language courses and train parts of their brain regions about which even neurologists of conventional medicine do not know much yet.
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As if such a life wasn't exciting enough, a strange accident occurs. While some try to find out what happened, even high-ranking military officers have to learn that it can't be a good idea to mess with their own country's intelligence services. Brian is asked for help and witnesses an unbelievable event. Some experiences make him feel firsthand to what extent conspiracy theories have something to do with manipulations in the brain and who or what triggers them.
Finally, Brian has to learn that prejudices influence not only the decisions of others but also his own. On the mission assigned to him, he is confronted with something that most people would still laugh off as pure fiction. As soon as he starts his new assignment, events begin to unfold, and Brian is drawn into an international conflict without even realizing it. By the time it becomes clear what he's gotten himself into, he's already one of the most wanted people on the planet.
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